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求人コード : 00041455
市川市 | 講師・インストラクター | アルバイト
あぜりあ School 本八幡校

Motoyawata School

AZALEA School is searching for Native English instructors for our new School in Motoyawata, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba-ken. We are looking for enthusiastic, bright and responsible English teachers with some teaching experinece.
ALTs are welcome becuase we need teachers who can work in the evening and Saturday. Good teachers can be promoted to a full-time position.


仕事内容Teaching English to students who are ranging from children to adults.
勤務地Motoyawata, Funabashi, Tsudanuma
勤務時間16:00 to 21:00 from Tuesday to Friday
10:00 to 18:00 on Saturday
Just one day or a few hours a week is acceptable.
給料2,000 - 2,500 yen
待遇Part-time teacher
休日Sunday, Monday, National holidays, Summer holidays, Year-end and New year holidays
44 working weeks a year
応募資格English native speaker who has some teaching experience
採用人数1 名
応募するには※【求人Free】 の応募エントリー必要 
Please send your resume by e-mail.
面接日We will inform you of the interview day. On-line interview is acceptable.
採用担当者Hitomi Katsuyama
担当者からひと言Please feel free to ask us any questions by e-mail.
連絡先TEL: 047-314-1700 または TEL: 043-454-5574
























































社員紹介 ・ 職場紹介

AZALEA Motoyawata School

It is 1 min. from Motoyawata St. and 6 min from Keisei-Yawata.

Study Lounge Motoyawata

Students and teachers can use the Lounge for self-study and eating.

AZALEA Nishifunabashi School

It is 3 min. from Nishifunabashi St.

AZALEA Keisei-Tsudanuma School

AZALEA Keisei-Tsudanuma School is directly connected to Keisei-Tsudanuma St..


あぜりあ School 本八幡校 印刷用に別ウィンドウで表示
〒272-0023 千葉県市川市南八幡 4-7-14 503 TEL: 047-314-1700

Motoyawata School: 1 min. from JRMotoyawata St.
Nishifunabashi School: 3 min. from Nishifunabashi St.
Keisei-Tsudanuma School:0 min. from Keisei-Tsudanuma St.(South Side) on Keisei Line in Chiba-ken.


企業名あぜりあ School 本八幡校
業種English School
代表者Hitomi Katsuyama ※最高経営責任者
設立年月1987年 10月
従業員数40人 ※アルバイト、パート含む
所在地〒272-0023 千葉県市川市南八幡 4-7-14 503
連絡先TEL : 047-314-1700   FAX : 047-314-1700

※不明点は、応募前に企業に確認してください。 掲載内容については、㈱ワンコイン が保証するものではありません


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